The Foundry Network
Networking leaders of large, independent churches in the Wesleyan tradition for greater Kingdom impact.
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, preached and organized his people into small groups he called bands and classes. Eventually all the classes and bands needed a place to gather for preaching. In order to accommodate this need, Wesley leased an abandoned cannon factory in London that was originally used to cast armament for King Charles and called it “The Foundry.” Where cannons were once forged, now men and women of God were forged through the faithful teaching of God’s word and through serving their communities in the name of Christ. Eventually, the societies outgrew the Foundry and began to collect resources for a “New Foundry” that was renamed Wesley Chapel.
The Foundry Network stands in this faithful Methodist tradition and seeks to forge a network of like minded pastors and churches who are aligned theologically and work together to reawaken the movement of Christ in our communities. This network is made up of accountable relationships that are simple and clear and that provide opportunities to learn, encourage, support and advance the Kingdom of God together.
We believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
We strive for ministry that is full of grace and full of truth.
Our priority is for the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ.
We are committed to reach people that no one else is reaching.
We are committed to relational discipleship.
We are engaged in being the practical hands and feet of Christ in our communities.
We affirm the sovereignty of God to gift all believers according to His will. It is our responsibility to equip those saints for their calling and giftedness in ministry.
We affirm that marriage and sexual intimacy are good gifts from God. In keeping with the teachings of Scripture historically and throughout the Church universal, we believe that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union. We believe that God intends faithfulness in marriage and celibacy in singleness.
We affirm the faith delivered to the saints as articulated in The EUB confession of Faith, the Articles of Religion of The Methodist Church and the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds. *These historic documents are appended for your reference.
Shared ministry opportunity
Planting churches
Foreign missions
Regional missions
Clergy Community (a Tribe to belong to)
Unlimited access to others in the network.
Regular connection/for Senior Pastors/Zoom every other month topically organized.
Yearly gathering
Accountability/Shared Standards
Network availability for discernment and accountability as requested by a church/pastor.
Ordination and Licensing standards are set and administered by the local church.
No centralized financial transactions. The only financial commitment is agreed upon shared costs of events/goods/services.
Accountability to the standard of belief and eligibility for membership in the
network is determined by the Leadership Team by unanimous vote.
Sharing of Best Practices from like minded churches
Shared theology as defined in our standards of belief.
Sharing of best practices across ministry areas (i.e. hospitality, databases, children’s ministry,youth ministry, IT network, etc.)
Sharing/discovering new approaches to advancing the Kingdom in our regions through idea generation.
Developing a “toolbox” for organization, governance, resourcing, etc. that can be shared across the network.
Long term resourcing opportunities (human/practical)
Shared interns/Residents
Staff Search Connections across the Network
Shared written, printed and digital resources.
Mentoring next generation leaders
Commitment to pray weekly for pastors and churches in the Network.
Encourage member pastors/churches to host a regional gathering of smaller churches for resourcing and connection.
Network Relationship is with a Pastor. Local churches are affiliated by decision of their leadership.
Foundry Network Churches (as of Oct. 2023)
Anderson Hills Church (Cincinnati, OH) - andersonhills.org
Asbury Church (Madison, AL) - weareasbury.com
Chapin Christian Community Church (Chapin, SC) chapinccc.org
Christ Church (Fairview Heights, IL) - mychristchurch.com
Cove Church (Huntsville, AL) - covechurch.com
Foundry Church (Houston, TX) - foundrychurch.org
Faithbridge (Houston, TX) - faithbridge.org
Get Well Church (South Haven, MS) - getwellchurch.org
Granger Church (Northern IN) grangerchurch.com
The Orchard (Tupelo, MS) - theorchard.net
The Porch (Valdosta, GA) theporchcc.com
Quest Church (Grovetown, GA) - thequestonline.com
The Story (Houston, TX) - thestory.church
The Temple (Port Authur, TX) templeonline.org