Music Ministry
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”
— Psalm 150:6
The Foundry Choir
Our choir leads worship each Sunday in the Traditional worship service. Rehearsals are held in the choir rehearsal room on the Jones Road Campus from 7-8:30pm on Wednesday evenings. No experience necessary! Just a love to know, follow and share the love of Jesus through the gift of music.
Foundry is blessed to have a number of volunteer musicians that play with us during our Traditional worship services and special events throughout the year. Whether you are a string player, brass, wind or percussionist, we'd love to help you find a way to get plugged in. Contact Kelly Long for more information.
Contemporary Worship Band
Our Contemporary worship bands are full of vocalists and instrumentalists that have a skill for leading worship and a heart for following God. We have groups that lead at both campuses. Do you have a heart for worship and a skill to match? We'd love to hear from you! If you are interested in serving at our Jones Rd Campus please contact Grace Covington.